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Model Viewer Instructions

The online model viewer is a powerful tool for viewing, inspecting and measuring 3D models we produce.  Additionally, for progression studies over time, an A/B comparison tool is also available. Other tools include spot, linear and area measurements.  These tools are useful for inspecting spot elevations, determining linear slopes and grades, as well as measuring perimeters and areas of drawn polygons.  Volumetric measurements can also be performed, but are not available for our demo models presented on the website. 

Main Control Elements
Workspace Flyout

Clicking the workspace flyout tab will reveal the list of workspace elements.  These elements include 3d tiled models, point clouds, digital elevation models (DEM/DSM), geotiff orthomosaics and vector layers (note online demo models only contain 3d tiled models).


Properties Flyout

​The properties flyout tab will reveal the properties pane with pertinent data for a selected item, such as the model itself, or data related to points, lines and polygons drawn on the model. 



​The toolbar contains buttons for path measurement, spot checks, linear slope/grade and polygon perimeter/area drawing tools. 


Settings Button

​The settings button will open a dialog box where you can change the view mode (model only, or model on base map), change the model quality, set the interface units of measurement, as well as change the projected reference coordinate system.​


A/B Comparison Button

​The comparison function is useful to compare two models in a side-by-side sliding window.  The division slider can be moved left or right in the model view to see changes between two models.  This is particularly useful for sites with multiple models at different times, known as a progression study.​​​

Main Control Elements
View Mode

You can change the view mode between model only and model with satellite base map.


Base Map

Currently there is only one base map available.​


Model Quality

​Changing the model quality in this field will affect the resolution and texture quality of the displayed model.  Lowering the quality will improve model load times at the cost of resolution and detail. 


Display Units

​This setting changes the units displayed when using the measurement tools. ​


Projected Coordinate System

​This setting changes the projected coordinate system of the model.  By default this is set to the model local spatial reference.  Changing this to a SRF that isn't applicable to the model will present inaccurate data for locations and measurements.  â€‹â€‹

Navigate in a 3D scene
Mouse control


When working on a PC or laptop, basic navigation in the 3D scene is available with the mouse.

  • Left click and drag to move move the camera;

  • Right click and drag or left click and drag when pressing CTRL key to rotate the camera;

  • Scroll wheel to zoom in or out.

Touch control


When working on touchscreen device, basic navigation in the 3D scene is available with touch actions :

  • Touch the screen with one finger and move fingertip without loosing the contact to move move the camera ;

  • Touch the screen with two fingers and move them in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction to rotate the camera;

  • Touch the screen with two fingers and move them apart to zoom in;

  • Touch the screen with two fingers and bring them closer together to zoom out.

Keyboard control


First person navigation may be helpful when inspecting a location digital tween or object's interior. The first-person navigation mode on the keyboard is available by default when viewing the project.


Key bindings are described below:

  • W - move forward

  • S - move backward

  • A - move left

  • D - move right

  • Q - move up

  • E - move down

  • Left SHIFT - accelerate

  • Arrow Up - look up

  • Arrow Down - look down

  • Arrow Left - look left

  • Arrow Right - look right

Workspace and Properties Panes

​The Workspace pane contains a list of all assets available in the online project.

Model visibility can be turned on and off by clicking the eye icon. 



​The properties pane is dynamic and presents relevant data on various items such as drawn points, lines and polygons, as well as the model itself.  Opacity can also be adjusted, but is not recommended in the online demo models.​​​​​

A/B Comparison

A Compare tool allows your to visually compare data in the project using interactive clipping plane that splits the 3D scene onto two configurable workspaces where different data can be displayed. 


To activate the tool click on its icon in the top right corner of the window. Workspace pane on the left will be vertically separated in two parts corresponding to two parts on the screen. 


When the visibility of the object is turned on in both parts of the Workspace pane, it will be displayed in a 3D scene on both sides of the slider .


When the visibility of the object is turned on only in the top part of the Workspace pane, it will be displayed in a 3D scene only on the left of the slider.


When the visibility of the object is turned on only in the bottom part of the Workspace pane, it will be displayed in a 3D scene only on the right of the slider.


To move the slider click on it with the left mouse button and drag.


To change the project that is displayed on the right or on the left of the slider in Site, click on the drop down menu on the the left or on the right side of the page header respectively and select the survey date. 


To exit the compare mode click on the cross button in the top right corner of the header.

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